Petek, 10. 2. 2023, 13.10
2 leti
V javnosti novi pretresljivi posnetki prvih trenutkov potresa v Turčiji #video
Na družbenih omrežjih se že ves teden pojavljajo novi in novi posnetki, ki prikazujejo moč prvega ponedeljkovega potresa z magnitudo 7,8, ki je hudo prizadel Turčijo in Sirijo.
I invite all our foreign friends to help in the disaster in Turkey🙏🏻
— Jülide💎 (@iamjulide) February 10, 2023
The shaking was huge, the earthquake was devastating, and 10 cities were destroyed at once🙌🏻
One of the videos showing the severity of the earthquake in Turkey👇🏻
Zgornji videoposnetek je nastal v mestu Kahramanmaras.
Posnetki uničujočega potresa v Turčiji in Siriji so v tem tednu preplavili družbena omrežja.
#earthquakeinturkey the vehicle camera the moment of the first earthquake # turkey #TurkeyEarthquakevideo
— Ismail Rojbayani (@ismailrojbayani) February 10, 2023
— lafz-E-Rooh (@ubaidkhan060599) February 7, 2023
This is the first video I think I've seen from the moment the second major earthquake struck in Turkey today at #kahramanmaras #Elbistan #deprem
— MG (@arnau1700) February 6, 2023
You can just see large buildings collapsing all around until the view becomes obscured. Just
A video posted online documents the moments that the earthquake hit from inside a family home in Turkey.
— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) February 9, 2023
Hundreds remain trapped under rubble as what’s considered the critical 72-hour window to rescue them ended early Thursday morning.
🔴 Live updates:
In Turkey, the death toll from the earthquake has risen to 18,342, with 72,424 injured.
— Avia.Pro - 🛡️Foreign Affairs - 📡Geopolitics (@avia_pro) February 10, 2023
On the video - a terrible moment of the collapse of one of the houses in the republic