Ponedeljek, 27. 1. 2020, 9.49
5 let, 2 meseca
Kobe Bryant (1978 - 2020)
Svet pretresla kruta novica: Zakaj ravno ti, Kobe?
Novica o smrti Kobeja Bryanta, enega izmed najboljših in najbolj priljubljenih košarkarjev vseh časov, je udarila kot strela z jasnega in v nedeljo ovila športni svet v črno. Po socialnih omrežjih dežujejo žalna sporočila. Javljajo se znani in neznani, vsi, ki se jih je dolgoletni zvezdnik Los Angeles Lakers dotaknil s svojimi dosežki, talentom in predanim delom, žalost pa je še toliko večja, ker je v nesreči ugasnilo tudi življenje njegove hčerke Gianne.
please NO https://t.co/mNXbmZSTF5
— Luka Doncic (@luka7doncic) January 26, 2020
"Ne, prosim," je na Twitterju zapisal slovenski reprezentant Luka Dončić in se nato zaman prepričeval, da to ne more biti res.
this can’t be trueee!!🙏🙏🙏
— Luka Doncic (@luka7doncic) January 26, 2020
''Ne, zakaj ravno ti? Počivaj v miru, mamba. Hvala za vse, kar si pokazal in naredil za svet,'' je prek Instagrama sporočil mladi zvezdnik Dallas Mavericks, ki se je z Bryantom nedavno zapletel v sproščen pogovor, Američan pa ga je nagovoril kar v slovenskem jeziku.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 this is so sad! RIP💔💔💔 pic.twitter.com/5ykf0drVSG
— Luka Doncic (@luka7doncic) January 26, 2020
Prelepe spomine na Bryanta, enega največjih strelcev v zgodovini lige NBA, je ohranil tudi Goran Dragić. "Mir in moč družini Bryantovi ter ljubiteljem košarke po vsem svetu. Počivaj v miru, Kobe," je zapisal kapetan zlate slovenske reprezentance.
Peace and power to the Bryant family, and basketball lovers around the world. R.I.P @kobebryant 😢 #MambaMentality pic.twitter.com/yn3Bgo0VAu
— Goran Dragić (@Goran_Dragic) January 26, 2020
Prvi naslov v ligi NBA je osvojil skupaj s Shaquillom O'Nealom, s katerim sta zaznamovala košarko zlasti v začetku tega tisočletja. Bila sta zelo povezana, več kot le soigralca.
There’s no words to express the pain Im going through with this tragedy of loosing my neice Gigi & my brother @kobebryant I love u and u will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW pic.twitter.com/pigHywq3c1
— SHAQ (@SHAQ) January 26, 2020
There’s no words to express the pain Im going through with this tragedy of loosing my neice Gigi & my brother @kobebryant I love u and u will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW pic.twitter.com/pigHywq3c1
— SHAQ (@SHAQ) January 26, 2020
Mladi zvezdnik Atlante Trae Young je zaupal, kako mu je Gianna Maria Bryant, 13-letna hčerka Kobeja Bryanta, ki je tudi izgubila življenje v helikopterjevi nesreči v Kaliforniji, dejala, kako najraje spremlja prav njegove košarkarske predstave.
...This S*** can’t be real... this the first moment I was able to meet Gianna Maria, she’s been to only 3 games this year... 2 of them were mine... She told me I was her favorite player to watch🙏🏽 I can’t believe this😢😭
— Trae Young (@TheTraeYoung) January 26, 2020
Rest Easy Gigi❤️ pic.twitter.com/IfDrE9Gjlv
Izguba enega najbolj priljubljenih košarkarjev na svetu je pretresla tudi nogometnega superzvezdnika Cristiana Ronalda ...
... in Lionela Messija, aktualnega najboljšega nogometaša na svetu.
Los Angeles Lakers so izrazili iskreno sožalje družini in prijateljem.
We can confirm that Kobe Bryant passed away today from the causes of a helicopter accident.
— Los Angeles Lakers (@LakersLosAngel) January 26, 2020
The entire Los Angeles Lakers family wishes to support their family and friends.
RIP KOBE 🙏❤️ pic.twitter.com/FdqwpAFoGY
Oglasil se je tudi predsednik ZDA Donald Trump ...
Reports are that basketball great Kobe Bryant and three others have been killed in a helicopter crash in California. That is terrible news!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2020
In tudi nekdanji ameriški predsednik Barack Obama.
Kobe was a legend on the court and just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a second act. To lose Gianna is even more heartbreaking to us as parents. Michelle and I send love and prayers to Vanessa and the entire Bryant family on an unthinkable day.
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) January 26, 2020
Njegov nekdanji soigralec Brian Shaw je v televizijskem studiu v solzah vse oboževalce Kobeja Bryanta, ki čutijo takšno bolečino kot on, pozval, naj v teh trenutkih pomislijo na vse užitke, s katerimi je polnil srca ljubiteljev košarke.
“For those Kobe fans that are out there, that are feeling like I feel right now, just try and think of all the joy that he brought you.”
— NBA TV (@NBATV) January 26, 2020
Brian Shaw reacts to the reported passing of Kobe Bryant. pic.twitter.com/WjAwmIHQle
Lastnik Dallas Mavericks Marc Cuban je ob izgubi legende lige NBA zapisal: "Nikoli ne smemo pozabiti, kako dragoceno je življenje. Kako tisti, ki ti veliko pomenijo, ne smejo nikoli pozabiti, kako globoko jih ljubimo."
We can never forget how precious life is. How those who are special to you and never let them forget how deeply you love them
— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) January 26, 2020
R.I.P. Kobe Bryant. pic.twitter.com/l4Q4pxbrLs
— Cedevita Olimpija Ljubljana - English (@KKCedOL_EN) January 26, 2020
"Ko se rokuješ z angelom. Počivaj v miru, moj čudoviti brat," je zapisal glasbenik Marc Anthony.
When you shake hands with an ANGEL. Rest in peace my beautiful brother. May love and peace surround the families of all involved. Sooo sad. 💔 @kobebryant #24 pic.twitter.com/B56VDohNnO
— Marc Anthony (@MarcAnthony) January 26, 2020
Leyenda del baloncesto. Descanse en paz https://t.co/wECtGrNVID
— Barça Basket (@FCBbasket) January 26, 2020
Portugalski nogometni zvezdnik Nani se je z njim družil pred desetimi dnevi.
Kobe just 10 days ago I had the pleasure of meeting you and felt what a great human being you were. I really thank you for some of the kind words you said when we spoke. I am so sad that you are gone. Rest in peace. #rip #kobe pic.twitter.com/viUHR5F2P2
— Nani (@luisnani) January 26, 2020
Garderobo si je z Bryantom delil tudi Pau Gasol.
Beyond devastated... my big brother... I can’t, I just can’t believe it
— Pau Gasol (@paugasol) January 26, 2020
Košarkarski legendi se je poklonil tudi Anže Kopitar.
Rest In Peace legend!!! Thoughts and prayers are with Bryant family🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 #MambaForever pic.twitter.com/dmXtYq0hcz
— Anze Kopitar (@AnzeKopitar) January 26, 2020
S čustvenim nagovorom se je od Kobeja poslovila tudi NBA legenda Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. 72-letni nekdanji košarkar je barve Los Angeles Lakers branil kar 14 let.
Most people will remember Kobe as the magnificent athlete who inspired a whole generation of basketball players. But I will always remember him as a man who was much more than an athlete. pic.twitter.com/9EZuwk8wrV
— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (@kaj33) January 26, 2020
Poklon legendi tudi s strani teniških igralcev.
My heart truly mourns over the news today. Kobe was a great mentor and friend to me. You and your daughter will live forever in our hearts. There are not enough words to express my deepest sympathies to the Bryants and every family suffering from this tragedy. RIP my friend pic.twitter.com/VRmgaOaITT
— Novak Djokovic (@DjokerNole) January 27, 2020
I woke up this morning with the horrible news of the tragic death of one of the greatest sportsman in the world. Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna and other passengers. My condolences to his wife and families. I am in shock.
— Rafa Nadal (@RafaelNadal) January 27, 2020
Nick Kyrgios walked out in Kobe's jersey and is wearing it while warming up pic.twitter.com/7SkSzFoKSi
— CJ Fogler (@cjzero) January 27, 2020
Dwyane Wade.
Heroes come and go LEGENDS live forever‼️ #8 #24 pic.twitter.com/sYMG8CKN5b
— DWade (@DwyaneWade) January 27, 2020
Dirk Nowitzki:
— Dirk Nowitzki (@swish41) January 27, 2020
Dennis Rodman:
Devastated to hear the news on my friend @kobebryant passing. Prayers go out to his wife Vanessa and his children and the @Lakers family. pic.twitter.com/Oki9GkYEu5
— Dennis Rodman (@dennisrodman) January 26, 2020
Tony Parker:
I’m heartbroken by this news, you were a true legend, and friend. Rest In Peace @kobebryant, my thoughts and prayers to his wife and kids. #legend #mamba #goat pic.twitter.com/1VKYdbrVEk
— Tony Parker (@tonyparker) January 26, 2020
Lewis Hamilton:
I’m sad to hear that we lost one of our greats. @kobebryant was one of the greatest athletes and was such an inspiration to so many including myself. I’m deeply saddened for his family and for the people around the world who looked up to him. May he and his daughter rest in peace pic.twitter.com/O4ZWANcGKm
— Lewis Hamilton (@LewisHamilton) January 26, 2020