Nedelja, 6. 5. 2018, 7.00
6 let, 10 mesecev
Sir Alex Ferguson še vedno ni zunaj nevarnosti
Nogometni svet moli za velikana. Ronaldo: Bodi močan, prijatelj moj.
Potem ko je v sobotnih popoldanskih urah nogometni svet pretresla novica, da je moral veliki sir Alex Ferguson zaradi možganske krvavitve na nujno operacijo, se je na naslov Manchester Uniteda in Fergiejeve družine zvrstilo mnogo toplih sporočil, ki želijo velikanu nogometa kar najhitrejše okrevanje. Nanj ni pozabil prav nihče, kar le govori, kako je velik pečat je med svojim delovanjem v nogometu pustil legendarni Škot.
Na klop Uniteda je sedel leta 1986 in ga vodil vse do poletja 2013. Osvojil je kar 38 lovorik:
Čeprav so na uradni strani Manchester Uniteda zapisali, da je operacija minila brez zapletov, Škot ostaja na intenzivni negi in se še vedno bori tudi za svoje življenje. Za zdaj še ni jasno, kakšne posledice bo pustila možganska krvavitev, a to v tem trenutku ni najpomembnejše.
Bolj pomembno je, da se 76-letni legendarni trener izvleče iz najhujšega. Glede na to, kakšen zmagovalec je bil na svoji trenerski poti, skoraj ni dvoma, da mu ne bo uspelo dobiti tudi tega boja.
O tem so prepričana tudi velika nogometna imena. Oglasili so se skoraj vsi nogometaši Manchester Uniteda, zdajšnji in pretekli, vsi evropski klubi, nanj pa se je spomnil tudi veliki Cristiano Ronaldo, ki mu je bil Fergie med igranjem na Old Traffordu kot oče.
Football comes together in support of Sir Alex Ferguson 🙏
— B/R Football (@brfootball) May 5, 2018
Get well soon Boss. Thoughts with all the family at this sad time. #AlexFerguson
— Wayne Rooney (@WayneRooney) May 5, 2018
🙏 We wish you a quick recovery!
— FC Barcelona 🏆🏆 (@FCBarcelona) May 5, 2018
Wishing Sir Alex Ferguson a speedy recovery! 👍
— FK Crvena zvezda (@crvenazvezdafk) May 5, 2018
#SirAlex You’ve won more than most and if anyone can you can boss
— Mike Phelan (@Mike_Phelan_1) May 5, 2018
We’re all thinking of you, Sir Alex.
— Arsenal FC (@Arsenal) May 5, 2018
My thoughts and prayers are with you, my dear friend. Be strong, Boss!
— Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) May 5, 2018
Very sorry to hear about sir Alex Ferguson being in hospital. Thoughts are with him and his family. Stay strong Boss 🙏
— Robin van Persie (@Persie_Official) May 5, 2018
Everyone at Sevilla FC wants to send their best wishes and strength to those close to Sir Alex Ferguson at such a difficult time. If there's anyone out there with the spirit to pull through it's Sir Alex. Fuerza!
— Sevilla FC (@SevillaFC_ENG) May 5, 2018
Just heard the news about Sir Alex Ferguson. Wishing him and his family all the strength for a speedy recovery. #keepstrong
— Thierry Henry (@ThierryHenry) May 5, 2018
We are saddened to hear Sir Alex Ferguson has been taken ill. All at West Bromwich Albion wish one of the game's great champions a full and speedy recovery.
— West Bromwich Albion (@WBA) May 5, 2018
Everyone at the NBA would like to send our very best wishes to Sir Alex Ferguson and his loved ones at this difficult time.
— NBA UK (@NBAUK) May 5, 2018
This evening, everybody at Chelsea FC sends our best wishes to Sir Alex Ferguson for a full and swift recovery following emergency surgery.
— Chelsea FC (@ChelseaFC) May 5, 2018
Wishing sir Ferguson a speedy recovery. Be strong Alex!
— Roberto Mancini (@robymancio) May 5, 2018
Auguro a sir Ferguson di rimettersi presto. Tieni duro Alex!
Thoughts & prayers are with you and your family boss 😪 Get well soon ❤️😪❤️
— Scott Mctominay (@mctominay10) May 5, 2018
Praying for good health boss!
— Rio Ferdinand (@rioferdy5) May 6, 2018
The thoughts of everyone at the Premier League are with Sir Alex Ferguson and his family following news that he underwent emergency surgery today
— Premier League (@premierleague) May 5, 2018
Hope and wish Sir Alex Ferguson to stay Strong and to have a full recovery!!🙏🏻😔 #PrayforSirAlex
— Pepe Reina (@PReina25) May 5, 2018
Everyone at the Club would like to send our best wishes and support to Sir Alex Ferguson and his family as he recovers from surgery.
— West Ham United (@WestHamUtd) May 5, 2018
Arsene Wenger on Sir Alex Ferguson: “I am concerned and I’m thinking about him and his family. I trust his strength and his strong character will get him well very quickly.” #MUFC
— Manchester United (@MUFCScoop) May 5, 2018
Greatest manager/coach of them all - in ANY sport.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 5, 2018
Come on Sir Alex, we're all rooting for you. 👊
Devasted about the news about Sir Alex and knowing all to well about the situation ourselves. Stay strong and hope together with everyone you recover. Edwin & Annemarie
— Edwin van der Sar (@vdsar1970) May 5, 2018
Stay strong Gaffa!!
— Dion Dublin (@DionDublinsDube) May 5, 2018
Club president Jim Pallotta and all at #ASRoma are hoping and praying Sir Alex Ferguson makes a full and speedy recovery after his surgery. A true football legend.
— AS Roma English (@ASRomaEN) May 5, 2018
Everyone at Manchester City wishes Sir Alex Ferguson a full and speedy recovery after his surgery #footballfamily
— Manchester City (@ManCity) May 5, 2018
Absolutely devastated to hear about Sir Alex being unwell in hospital. All my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Be strong Boss xx
— Michael Carrick (@carras16) May 5, 2018
Please🙏 Be strong🙏Win this one🙏
— Peter Schmeichel (@Pschmeichel1) May 5, 2018
Everyone at #RangersFC sends their best wishes to Sir Alex Ferguson following emergency surgery this evening.
— Rangers Football Club (@RangersFC) May 5, 2018
Sir Alex 😢🙏🏾 wishing him well @ManUtd
— Michy Batshuayi (@mbatshuayi) May 5, 2018
Deep thoughts and best wishes Sir Alex Ferguson 🙏🏾 @ManUtd
— Didier Drogba (@didierdrogba) May 5, 2018
Everyone at the club wishes Sir Alex Ferguson a full and speedy recovery.
— Swansea City AFC (@SwansOfficial) May 5, 2018
#Hoffenheim would like to join the footballing world in wishing Sir Alex Ferguson a speedy recovery! 🙏🏻#EqualGame
— TSG Hoffenheim EN (@achtzehn99_en) May 5, 2018
The thoughts and prayers of everyone connected with Aberdeen Football Club are with our former manager, Sir Alex Ferguson and his family following tonight’s news.
— Aberdeen FC (@AberdeenFC) May 5, 2018