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Branka Grbin

29. 8. 2016,

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7 let, 5 mesecev

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 2,03

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

lepota Instagram trend stegna

Ponedeljek, 29. 8. 2016, 4.00

7 let, 5 mesecev

To je odgovor žensk na trend #ThighGap, razmik med stegni

Branka Grbin

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 2,03

Foto: Instagram

Na družbenih omrežjih ste zagotovo že zasledili trend, ki mu nekatere ženske nespametno sledijo. Gre za tako imenovani #ThighGap, razmik med stegni, ki naj bi nakazoval, da spadate v skupino suhic.

To, da nimate razmika med stegni, naj bi nakazovalo, da ste predebeli, da imate odvečne kilograme in da bi se morali obremenjevati s svojo težo. Seveda se pri tem pozablja, da prava fit dekleta in športnice tega razmika pogosto nimajo, saj imamo ljudje v telesu tudi kaj drugega kot maščobo, na primer močne stegenske mišice.

Trend #ThighGap:

Ta trend je zato končno dobil protiutež. Gre za tako imenovani trend #MermaidThighs ali stegna morske deklice, ki so ga uvedla dekleta z oblinami oziroma tiste ženske, ki nimajo razmika, a se s tem ne obremenjujejo.

Trend #MermaidThighs:

 | Foto: Instagram/Getty Images Foto: Instagram/Getty Images

#MermaidThighs Mermaids have always had a special meaning to me. They represent grace and beauty but also a freedom and carefree attitude that growing up, I fantasized having. I used my imagination and evisioned myself as Ariel or Madison or any other mermaid to escape difficult situations when I was young. Getting a mermaid tattoo on my thigh (what a coincidence) signified a personal achievement of mine: finally being comfortable in who I am and what I look like. Last month, I had the pleasure of partaking in #projectmermaids where I literally BECAME a mermaid. Everyone who knows me, knows it was a dream come true. My mom and I got super emotional seeing the photos because it's so much more than a tail. It symbolized my journey through domestic violence and self esteem issues. Now, with this hashtag going viral, I hope that women who feel pressure to look a certain way or feel insecure with their bodies, see this as a chance to celebrate their bodies...because who doesn't want to be a mermaid!? #vivalacurvy #RealTalk #bodypositive #effyourbeautystandards #honormycurves #celebratemysize #bodydiversity

A photo posted by Ana Laura (@viva_la_curvy) on


#MermaidThighs slavi obline in vse oblike ženskega telesa, kar je všeč tudi trenerki Natashi Wynn, ki pravi, da so večja stegna lahko tudi posledica genov. "Trend morske deklice pošilja pozitivno sporočilo, saj se ženske nikakor ne bi smele sramovati svojih stegen in tega, da med njimi ni razmika."

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