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1. 5. 2018,

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5 let, 7 mesecev

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,80

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

vadba trening ketonska dieta Halle Berry The Biggest Loser Slovenija

Torek, 1. 5. 2018, 8.45

5 let, 7 mesecev

51-letna zvezdnica razkriva, v čem je skrivnost njene seksi postave #foto

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 1,80

Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Hurley, Halle Berry ... To je le nekaj zvezdnic, ki so se ali pa se bodo v kratkem srečale z abrahamom, a so videti bolje kot mnoge pol mlajše ženske. V čem je skrivnost njihove lepe postave? Halle Berry pravi, da v strogi dieti in redni vadbi.


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Že res, da imajo hollywoodske zvezdnice na voljo osebne trenerje, prehranske strokovnjake, osebne kuharje in še mnogo tega, da so lahko videti lepe in vitke. A to, da jim uspe tudi v zrelih letih ali celo v starosti ohranjati lepo postavo, zahteva veliko samodiscipline in vztrajnosti.

Na eni od prireditev je igralka Halle Berry razkrila, da se že vrsto let drži ketonske diete, ki temelji na beljakovinah in maščobah, medtem ko je vnos ogljikovih hidratov minimalen.


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"Testenin in sladkorja skorajda ne jem. Večina mojih obrokov temelji na mesu – večinoma jem perutnino in govedino, zraven pa si privoščim veliko zelenjave," je povedala 51-letna zvezdnica in dodala, da si večino obrokov pripravlja sama doma. "Čez dan jem veliko zdravih maščob, ki jih najdemo na primer v avokadu in kokosovem olju. Ko se telo enkrat navadi na to, da porablja veliko maščob, potem je ves čas nekako v stanju, da kuri maščobe, in v tem je pravzaprav vsa skrivnost."

Poleg ketonske diete pa zvezdnica tudi redno telovadi. Njene treninge sestavlja mešanica borilnih veščin, boksa, joge, vsebujejo pa tudi elemente vojaških urjenj, razkriva igralkin osebni trener Peter Lee Thomas. Ko jo je ta spoznal in začel trenirati z njo, ni vedel, koliko je Halle stara. Ko je izvedel za njena leta, ni mogel verjeti, da sliši prav. "Ima namreč voljo in kondicijo 25-letnice!" je povedal.

S strogo dieto in napornimi treningi pa se spopadajo tudi tekmovalci resničnostnega šova The Biggest Loser Slovenija. Ti se bodo danes znova znašli pred skušnjavo. Kakšno, preverite nocoj ob 21.05 na Planet TV!
Resničnostni šov The Biggest Loser Slovenija lahko spremljate od torka do petka ob 21.05 na Planet TV, sledi pa komentatorska oddaja Od težaka do junaka z Jasno Kuljaj in gosti.

Zvezdnica redno vadbo in lepo, vitko telo, v katerem se dobro počuti, promovira tudi z objavami na svojem profilu na Instagramu. Nekaj si jih lahko ogledate spodaj.


Summer is coming so this #FitnessFriday let’s go there and talk beach bodies! For me, having a great beach body is so much more than looking good in a bikini, it’s more about FEELING good in your body! No matter what the actual shape of your body is, when you can put on a bikini or swim trunks and FEEL confident, that’s the win! For me, that confidence has always come as a result of loving myself enough to put my health and wellness first by doing the necessary work. If you’ve just started your fitness journey or if you’ve been working out and you’re not quite where you want to be yet, don’t beat yourself up, just stay the course. Knowing that you are in pursuit of optimum health and wellness, your confidence level will sky rocket and you will still be the “baddest” on the beach this summer. Take pics of your transformation as I’ll be having an #HBBEACHBODY contest over the summer and the winner will be flown to LA to work-out with us! On my IG Stories you can find a few exercises to help you along the way. Strong abdominal and chest muscles are important to achieve good posture which is key to looking good in a swim suit. And let’s not forget the butt! The first exercise is called Crazy 8. All you need is a ball. You do 8 push-ups over the ball, then jump as high as you can, then immediately do 8 squats forcing your butt to touch the ball each time. Next time you do 7, 6, 5...and so on all they way down to 1. Do this for 3 sets. Then get a partner and do a Buddy Back to Back. Do 20 reps for 3 sets. Finish with the fly swatter. All you need is a towel. Do 40 swats for 3 reps. Good luck! 💪🏽❤️ #FitnessFridayHB

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This #FitnessFriday let’s have fun while we work out! Trust me, I know how hard it is to get motivated at times, but when my workout is fun, it’s a whole lot easier! Every once in a while Peter and I just need to have a good time and get recharged! So today we share some ways to work out with a partner and have fun too!! I also want to share one of my secret weapons that I think has helped me defy my age and look and feel younger than my years. The secret is Bone Broth! It’s made with bones that are simmered for at least 8 hours. I like to slow cook my bones in my crock pot for 24 hours. The purpose is to cook the bones until they produce gelatin collagen and trace minerals that support the immune system and helps with the development of healthy joints, bones, ligaments and tendons as well as hair and SKIN! These nutrients are considered “beauty foods” because they help the body with proper structural alignment and beautiful skin and hair. The collagen in #bonebroth also helps with digestion and heals your gut lining and reduces intestinal inflammation. It’s important to find bones from humanely raised healthy animals. 100% grass-fed cows, bison, lamb and organic chicken bones. Wild game like deer and antelope are great as well. You can drink it plain or how I like it with a little salt, ground pepper and crushed garlic. I know for some this may sound nasty as hell, but I promise you, it’s not bad at all and drinking bone both will slow down your inevitable race to the finish line! Look for the bone broth recipe and fun exercises in my fitness highlight at the top of my profile. Enjoy 💪🏽❤️ . Exercises: -Light as a feather 20 jumps for 3/5 sets One person working core the other working legs cardio and core -Stickem up Both working core and upper body 20 reps per side for 3/5 sets -London bridge One works chest triceps The other works legs and cardio 10 reps in each direction for 3/5 sets -Rocking chair Both workout biceps, core and legs do 10 rep per arm/20 reps total for 3/5 reps

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It’s #FitnessFriday AGAIN! Today I’m proud to share my new #yoga pose. Thanks to all of you, I got super inspired and challenged myself to a head stand! I continue to challenge each of you to try new poses as well and share them with me by tagging #FitnessFridayHB. Today, let’s talk not just about yoga poses, but also about the meditative aspects of yoga. Many argue that some of the happiest people are those who spend time each day meditating. I can tell you that I’ve felt happier and more like my best self since I started. I’ve learned that meditation helps to balance your left brain and right brain, and as a result I feel more creative, I can absorb information faster and I experience better emotional health. #Meditation also helps me stay in touch with my “little me”, that little girl who keeps me curious and open to the newness of each day and every new experience that comes my way. Meditation keeps me connected to God, Mother Earth, a higher power or whatever you prefer, and reminds me that while we are all on a solo journey, we are never alone! So today, if you don’t already, try to find 20 minutes to meditate or pray. If you can make this ritual a part of your dailies, watch how your life will transform! Also today on my IG Stories and fitness highlight, I’m sharing my keto lunch. Enjoy 💪🏽❤️

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This #FitnessFriday is dedicated to the importance of stretching! After I work out, it’s important for me to stretch and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting and punching. For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still, stretching and breathing. Including stretching in my fitness program helps my muscles stay long, limber, improves my mobility and range of motion and, most importantly, helps me avoid injuries. This is one of my favorite #yoga poses, the shoulder stand, that stretches my lower spine and legs. I feel 2 inches taller after this stretch! Some people use yoga poses to manage stress, increase circulation, for medication, recovery, better sleep, and mobility just to name a few. Check out my Fitness IG Story to see a stretch I like for hip mobility that lengthens my sides and for today's #keto meal. Today I challenge you to share your best yoga pose. If you don't have one, I encourage you to search for one, post about it, tag #FitnessFridayHB and tell me how it makes you feel. ❤️🙏🏽

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Jump up in this beach like...

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