Nedelja, 6. 5. 2018, 8.29
6 let, 10 mesecev
Kate pokazala slike majhnega princa #foto
Vojvoda Catherine je objavila fotografije najmlajšega princa Louisa, na njih ga nežno poljublja njegova sestra Charlotte. Louis se je rodil pred dvema tednoma.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to share two photographs of Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, taken by The Duchess at Kensington Palace.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 5, 2018
This image was taken on 2nd May, on Princess Charlotte’s third Birthday.
Dojenček je že šesti pravnuk za kraljico Elizabeto, ki je v soboto dopolnila 92 let. V vrsti za prestol je na petem mestu, za princem Charlesom, princem Williamom, princem Georgeem in princeso Charlotte.
Louis je tretji otrok para, ki že ima štiriletnega sina Georgea in dveletno hčerko Charlotte.
This image of Prince Louis was taken by The Duchess of Cambridge at Kensington Palace on 26th April.
— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) May 5, 2018
The Duke and Duchess would like to thank members of the public for their kind messages following the birth of Prince Louis, and for Princess Charlotte’s third birthday.