Torek, 28. 5. 2024, 10.16
9 mesecev, 2 tedna
Toča v velikosti tenis žogic opustošila dele ZDA #video
V silovitih tornadih in neurjih, ki so prejšnji teden opustošila osrednji del Združenih držav Amerike (ZDA), je po zadnjih podatkih umrlo najmanj 23 ljudi. Neurja so se v ponedeljek znova razširila še po severovzhodnem delu ZDA. Poleg močnega vetra je ponekod klestila tudi toča v velikosti teniške žogice.
City of Dallas has made the decision to sound their sirens but it is for HAIL. Once again, HAIL. Hail in this storm could be up to golf ball size as it moves into and through Dallas County. #wfaaweather
— Pete Delkus (@wfaaweather) May 27, 2024
Na severu Teksasa so že v nedeljo zvečer vklopili sireno, ki opozarja na nevarnost toče.
#BREAKING USA: The devastating tornadoes 🌪️ brought some souvenirs from above to Nebraska. Hail bigger than 10cm even 12cm, has been reported.
— Jack Straw (@JackStr42679640) April 27, 2024
Ponekod je padala velika kot kovanec ali žogica za golf, drugod tako velika kot žogica za tenis.
Look at some of the massive hail that fell across DFW this evening!
— WFAA (@wfaa) May 28, 2024
Here's a look at the weather tomorrow:
Konec prejšnjega tedna je v državi Arkansas zaradi tornadov umrlo najmanj osem ljudi, v Kentuckyju so umrle štiri osebe, v Teksasu sedem, v Oklahomi pa najmanj dve. Številne nevihte so z močnimi sunki vetra prinašale tudi točo.
Heavy hail in Arkansas, USA
— S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y (@Sprinterfactory) April 21, 2024
🧊🧊🧊A severe #hailstorm hit downtown #Yuma, #Colorado last evening. #Hailstones reached the size of softballs, shattering car windows and causing some vehicles to get stuck in snowdrifts. #Yuma #Colorado #hailstorm #hail #storm #stormcolorado…
— Weather U.S. (@Weather__US) May 21, 2024
V Mehiki so se ceste spremenile v ledene reke.
The hail buildup in Puebla, Mexico, earlier this week.
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) May 26, 2024
The unexpected storm surprised locals as hail accumulated up to several feet in some areas, transforming streets into icy