Torek, 16. 7. 2019, 9.00
5 let, 8 mesecev
Tudi to je šport
Noro poletje Stanleyjevega pokala #foto
Po dolgih letih čakanja so prišli tudi dnevi, ko najprestižnejšo hokejsko lovoriko na ogled svojim someščanom postavljajo tudi hokejisti St. Louis Blues. Stanleyjev pokal še ni obredel vseh članov ekipe, a že zbral nemalo pestrih dni.
Hokejisti St. Louis Blues so pred mesecem dni spisali zgodovino, na odločilni sedmi tekmi finala premagali St. Louis Blues in prvič od obstoja franšize osvojili Stanleyjev pokal. Kot veleva tradicija, ta prestižna lovorika poletje preživi v domačih krajih članov zmagovite ekipe. Vsakemu pripade en dan s Stanleyjem, ki mu tudi letos ni dolgčas.
Napadalec Robby Fabbri je na zabavi na babičini posesti pokal "zaupal" tudi štirinožnima ljubljenčkoma Hugu in Chelsea, ki sta iz Stanleyja jedla špagete.
Hey @dog_rates, what rating do you give Hugo and Chelsea for their rendition of Lady and the Tramp (feat. special guest star the Stanley Cup)? 🍝 #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 15, 2019
Poutine in the #StanleyCup? Can't believe nobody thought of that until now! #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 9, 2019
Iz pokala so si postregli tudi drugi člani družine, "na zdravje z mesnimi kroglicami"
Cheers! #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 15, 2019
Have a sip from the Cup, grandpa. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 12, 2019
Stanleyjev pokal so kot pripomoček pri jedi uporabili tudi pri kapetanu Alexu Pietrangelu ...
Nonna’s pasta tastes even better served in the #StanleyCup. #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 15, 2019
... ta je pokal odpeljal tudi na partijo golfa ...
Dude c'mon we don't have all day. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 14, 2019
Caddy of the year. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 14, 2019
... in poskrbel za spomin z družino
Evelyn, Oliver and Theodore are really excited about what their daddy brought home. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 15, 2019
Vratar Jordan Binnington ga je v zahvalo, da so skrbeli, da je njegov dan potekal, kot mora, odpeljal na policijsko postajo ...
To say thanks for helping him make it to all his stops today, @binnnasty brought the #StanleyCup to the Toronto Police Service Headquarters this afternoon. #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 12, 2019
... tudi njega je pričakalo prav posebno darilo. Župan mesta Richmond Hill mu je podaril ključe mesta, dar, ki ga je pred njim prejel le trikratni svetovni prvak v umetnostnem drsanju Elvis Stojko:
When they give you your own parade and a key to the city. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 12, 2019
Napadalec Brayden Schenn ga je odnesel "v višave", v čast očetove gasilske službe
What's up, Saskatoon?! #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 6, 2019
Michael Del Zotto in Taylor Bozak sta ga odpeljala na sončenje in kopanje
Not a bad way to spend your day with the #StanleyCup, @MichaelDelZotto. #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 10, 2019
THAT. JUST. HAPPENED. @Bozie42 #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 8, 2019
Stanley je obiskal tudi tekmo ameriškega nogometa
Team Sask! Thanks for having us @sskroughriders
— Tyler Bozak (@Bozie42) July 7, 2019
Velika večina je s Stanleyjevim pokalom vsaj za kratko nasmeh izvabila tudi pri bolnikih ...
.@StLouisBlues Stanley Cup winner @vince_dunn brought the Stanley Cup to @SickKidsNews! Vince was invited to bring the Cup by current SickKids patient & @Oshawa_Generals prospect @owenbradyy1. “It’s a privilege for me to brighten their day in this way,” says Vince.
— SickKids Foundation (@sickkids) July 13, 2019
This Summer with the Champs has included a hospital visit nearly every day. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 9, 2019
Always time for the kids. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 6, 2019
Lots of high fives and smiles at the Stollery Children’s Hospital today when Colton Parayko of the @StLouisBlues brought by the #StanleyCup! A huge thanks to Colton for hanging out with the kids and making the day so special for our patients and families.
— AHS_YEGZone (@AHS_YEGZone) July 3, 2019
... spomnili pa so se tudi krajev, kjer se je hokejska pot sploh začela
Back to where it all began - the Lindsay Recreation Complex, where Vince Dunn played youth hockey for the Central Ontario Wolves. #stlblues #StanleyCup
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 13, 2019
First stop in Saskatoon: ACT Arena, where @Bschenn_10 learned to play the game. #stlblues
— St. Louis Blues 🏆 (@StLouisBlues) July 5, 2019
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