Tina Vovk

28. 8. 2017,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 4 mesece

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,68

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

bogastvo denar Floyd Mayweather Conor McGregor

Ponedeljek, 28. 8. 2017, 8.40

7 let, 4 mesece

Gospod Denar, ki z veseljem razkazuje svoje bogastvo

Tina Vovk

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,68

"Alergičen sem na to, da sem brez denarja," je ob eni svojih fotografij, na katerih razkazuje svoje bogastvo, zapisal ameriški boksar Floyd Mayweather.


You'll sit at home & play Monopoly with fake money as Floyd sits on private jets and plays the Money Game for real...

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"Sem materialističen, vpadljiv, domišljav in tisti, ki pravijo, da denar ni vse, so najverjetneje brez denarja. Ljubezen ni še nikoli plačala hipoteke, najemnine, računa za elektriko, plin, telefon, zavarovanje ali avtomobil," je svoj pogled na življenje predstavil Mayweather, zmagovalec epskega dvoboja s Conorjem McGregorjem.

Preberite še:
Mayweather razkril skrivnost, McGregor pokazal svojega #video #foto

Pogumnemu McGregorju zmanjkalo moči, Mayweather do 50. zmage

Mayweather, ki se je po 50. zmagi v karieri ponovno upokojil, je z dvobojem z Ircem zaslužil okoli 300 milijonov dolarjev, že pred tem pa je bilo njegovo premoženje ocenjeno na 340 milijonov dolarjev. Vzdevek 40-letnega boksarja, ki svoje razkošno življenje rad deli na družbenih omrežjih, je Denar.

Poglejte si, zakaj in v kakšnem razkošju bo lahko še naprej užival v pokoju.


@floydmayweather sleeps good every night. #ComfortableLiving

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Some of @floydmayweather 's timepieces. Music by @artofvangogh

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@floydmayweather at one of his mansions, somewhere in the world.

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@floydmayweather in the #Maldives Photo credit: @jamielynn

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The Money Team life style inside @floydmayweather's 14 passenger private jet #AirMayweather www.themoneyteam.com

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@floydmayweather says "Christmas is everyday".

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$11,000,000.00 just because www.themoneyteam.com

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@floydmayweather is eating good both ways

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Breakfast for a Champ

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Comfortable living

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@badmedina & @floydmayweather picking up #money

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@floydmayweather moving around town in that Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupé #RollsRoyce #PhantomCoupe

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$700,000 www.themoneyteam.com

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3 is the number just because Richard Mille

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Which Rolls Royce should @floydmayweather take to go run an errand? Phantom, Drop Head or Wraith ?

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7 day Rose Gold collection Derrick Rose Pete Rose Rosa Parks Jalen Rose Rosie Perez Rosie O'Donnell Guns 'n Roses

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Which ones do you like better?

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We like the old school 1996 S600 the best. That's our classic. Only has around 29,000 miles on it. He has had that car his whole career.

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Floyd's everyday watch is a Rosé Gold G-Shock

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Fendi Furniture -- lets talk about getting it

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Big Boy Toys

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Lucky 7 is what I like to call it

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Night vision

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Suede walls in the Master Bedroom of the @BigBoyMansion

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A tandem massage last night by the pool -- thanks @badmedina and Beckie

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I wear every single chain even when I'm in the mansion

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@floydmayweather is relaxing in the steam room

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Two level movie theater at the @bigboymansion

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Toys R Us #TMT

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It's a party every night... you got to keep Patron in your home

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Big Face Rolex... you know what time it is... let the Big Boys play..

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It's Money Time World Wide #BigBoyShit

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Green python St Patrick's Day Red Bottoms...#bigboyshit

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Ostrich Hermes Birkin traveling bag -- Big Boy shit.

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Who don't like the finer things in life?

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Burberry brought the store to the @bigboymansion for private shopping for the '13 limited edition

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Floyd got on his favorite birthday shoes

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Big Boy Mansion TMT is always having fun without me. #rocklive

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8x World Champion in 5 different weight classes.. 43-0-26 ko's.. 17 years on top

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