21. 12. 2017,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 2 meseca

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,75

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

Khloe Kardashian Kardashian Keeping up with the Kardashians

Četrtek, 21. 12. 2017, 10.03

7 let, 2 meseca

Khloé Kardashian potrdila: Mamica bom!

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Blue 0,75

Ameriška zvezdnica Khloé Kardashian je le potrdila novico, o kateri se je ugibalo več mesecev: na družbenih omrežjih je delila prvo fotografijo svojega nosečniškega trebuha.

33-letna zvezdnica resničnostnega šova V koraku s Kardashianovimi Khloé Kardashian je fotografijo delila na svojem profilu na omrežju Instagram. "Uresničile so se moje največje sanje. Imela bova otroka," je zapisala ob fotografiji, na kateri s partnerjem, NBA-zvezdnikom Tristanom Thompson, držita že lepo zaobljen trebušček. 

Iz zapisa Kardashianove je razbrati, da sta se za otroka trudila kar nekaj časa, novico pa sta skrivala, ker sta želela veselje zadržati v krogu družine.


My greatest dream realized! We are having a baby! I had been waiting and wondering but God had a plan all along. He knew what He was doing. I simply had to trust in Him and be patient. I still at times can't believe that our love created life! Tristan, thank you for loving me the way that you do! Thank you for treating me like a Queen! Thank you for making me feel beautiful at all stages! Tristan, most of all, Thank you for making me a MOMMY!!! You have made this experience even more magical than I could have envisioned! I will never forget how wonderful you've been to me during this time! Thank you for making me so happy my love! Thank you to everyone for the love and positive vibes! I know we've been keeping this quiet but we wanted to enjoy this between our family and close friends as long as we could privately. To enjoy our first precious moments just us ❤️ Thank you all for understanding. I am so thankful, excited, nervous, eager, overjoyed and scared all in one! But it's the best bundle of feelings I've ever felt in my life! ❤️❤️❤️

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