Branka Grbin

11. 1. 2017,

Osveženo pred

7 let, 4 mesece

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Yellow 6,38

Natisni članek

Natisni članek

rekreacija telovadba zdravje dobro počutje motivacija Instagram

Sreda, 11. 1. 2017, 18.14

7 let, 4 mesece

10 fit navdihov z Instagrama za popotnico do bolj zdravega življenja

Branka Grbin

Termometer prikazuje, kako vroč je članek.

Termometer prikaže, kako vroč je članek.

Thermometer Yellow 6,38
vadba | Foto Instagram

Foto: Instagram

Največja motivacija so enako misleči ljudje, se strinjate? Veliko lažje se je podati na novo fit pot, če imate dobro družbo. Zahvaljujoč družbenim omrežjem jo lahko najdete kar na svojem mobilniku.

Novi fit navdih lahko prihaja iz Avstralije, Londona, Dubaja ali pa iz Ljubljane. Ni pomembno, kdo so te osebe, šteje, kaj počnejo, kako živijo in kakšna sporočila prenašajo na družbene platforme in do svojih sledilcev.

Instagram je odličen motivator, ko se odločite, da boste živeli bolj zdravo, saj lahko navdih najdete vsak trenutek, pomembno je le, komu sledite.

Mi smo poiskali nekaj res navdihujočih Instagram profilov, ob katerih boste komaj čakali, da se spravite v pogon in si začnete kuhati zdrave, a tudi slastne obroke.

Amanda Bisk

Amanda je Avstralka, nekdanja atletinja, ki se zdaj osredotoča na jogo, raztezanje in moč telesa.

Hannah Bronfman

Hannah je didžejka, blogerka in fit navdušenka. Obožuje tako jogo kot uteži, kardio vadbe in še kaj. Redno objavlja tudi zelo okusne recepte.


Got myself to the gym this morning cause consistency is key. Whatever your motivation is, 2017 can be your year. #hbfit

A photo posted by Hannah Bronfman (@hannahbronfman) on

Kayla Itsines

Osebna trenerka iz Avstralije, ki pridobiva svetovno slavo, je zvezda na Instagramu. Njene objave niso samo vezane na vadbo, temveč tudi na uravnoteženo prehrano (ona, je denimo še kako naklonjena ogljikovim hidratom) in zdrav um v zdravem telesu.


What are your goals for 2017 .... and go !! Comment below 👇👇👇

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

Emily Skye

Še ena Avstralka, ki ima svojo zbirko vadbenih programov. Znana je po tem, da je zelo realna in brez sramu objavi tudi fotografijo svojega trebuščka po tem, ko se je precej najedla. Svojim sledilcem ves čas kaže tudi drugo, ne tako popolno sliko.


My Meal + Exercise Programs👆🏼Link in my bio! ~ My 3 second transformation! 😜 . - The left pic is with my tummy pushed out - the right is with my tummy flexed. 😉 . Your posture, angles, posing & lighting makes a big difference! Next time you look at a photo of someone who looks "perfect" online or in a magazine remind yourself that the person in the photo doesn't walk around looking like that! They're posed, in their best angles with a tight or flexed tummy in "good" lighting. Nobody is perfect! Nobody has the perfect life, body, face, relationship or family etc. We're all just imperfect humans. . Don't strive for "perfection" or compare yourself to anyone else - just focus on being your best and embrace being YOU! 💗 . We all need this reminder at times I think. ☺️😘 . . 👖Outfit: @reebok @reebokwomen . 🎥🏋🏽 Workout Videos: @emilyskyefitness . 💄Beauty page: @emilyskyebeauty . 2️⃣ Backup: @emily_skye2 . .

A photo posted by Emily Skye - Health & Fitness (@emilyskyefit) on

Base Body Babes

Avstralski vadbeni duo, ki vas bo spodbudil, da boste k telovadbi povabili še prijateljico, s katero lahko dosežete neverjetne cilje.


TRAIN WITH US 💪🏻As the holiday season is fast approaching, we want to motivate you to get started on your health and fitness journey with us and this week, it has become more affordable to become a BASE BODY BABE with OUR BIGGEST SALE EVER👊🏻. So if you would like to train with us, we would love to give you all the knowledge, support and love you need to achieve your goals with our customised online training programs. We are here to inspire you to be as happy, healthy, fit, strong and confident as possible, so let’s get started and Build Your Base Body! To purchase our heavily discounted packages, starting at AUD$39.95, click the link in our bio💪🏻 Sale ends this weekend👊🏻 LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE FOR THE PROGRAMS WITH ONLINE SUPPORT. #basebodybabeslove #helpingothers #liftweights #learntolift #strengthsystem #educate #inpsire #motivate #girlpower #basebodybabes #buildabasebody

A photo posted by FELICIA🙋🏼DIANA🙋🏻👻basebodybabes (@basebodybabes) on

Anna Victoria

Američanka je še ena v vrsti trenerk, ki ima svoj vadbeni program. Tako kot Emily tudi ona redno objavlja drugo plat zdravega življenja, dneve, ko je tudi ona samo človek, ki uživa v pici in čokoladi.


Just a lounging selfie 🤗 no makeup or hair done, not posing (and no sticking out either). I'm not sharing this because I think I look bad, or because tummy rolls are bad, or because cellulite, messy hair or no makeup is bad. None of those things are bad or imperfect. They are NORMAL. - I'm sharing this because I just received an email from a 16 year old girl that said I am the only person she follows that actually made her feel good about herself. That even though she's not particularly unhappy with her body, that seeing endless perfect photos started to make herself compare, poke and prod at her own body. The impact social media has on young girls and their self-esteem is an issue I feel very strongly about and if me posting one casual, non-posing, non-done up photo can help a young girl (or man, or anyone of any age!) feel better about themselves, then I'm happy to put myself out there. - Some will look at this and say "what's the big deal?" If it doesn't resonate with you, that's ok. I just ask that you think of those who it does help before firing off with negativity because you don't "get" it. So when we live in a society that profits from your insecurities, be a rebel and LOVE yourself. Love your body at every angle and don't ever be ashamed of being human, of struggling, or hey, even of loving the crap out of yourself!! 🤗 We need more girls who are wildly confident and loving every bit of themselves and shouting it from the rooftops. Show young girls it's not only okay but necessary to be confident, strong young women, "flaws" and all. #fbggirls

A photo posted by Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) on

Cassey Ho

Cassey je lastnica znamke blogilates, vadbe, ki jo lahko izvajate v udobju svojega doma. Redno objavlja video nasvete za razgibavanje, pa tudi recepte za veganske in neveganske obroke.

Shona Vertue

Osebna trenerka in ljubiteljica joge je prav tako zagovornica zdravega življenjskega ravnovesja. Njene objave so skoraj vedno navdihujoče, včasih celo zavidanja vredne - ko, denimo, naredi stojo sredi londonske ulice.


B A L A N C E • F E S T I V A L || Pretty psyched to be teaching at @balance_festival in May (I will tell you more about what I'm teaching and who with very soon - but it's going to be pretty badass) 💪🏽🍑 || What is balance to you? To me, the concept of balance is subjective and is constantly changing based on the priorities we set for ourselves throughout a lifetime. This is why it's so hard to define. However I do feel like we know it when it happens. It's when we feel content and harmonious in our bodies and minds. Kind of like when you hit that sweet spot in a handstand and it feels both effortless but concentrated ... that's what balance feels like (to me anyway!) || The class is going to be epic so get your tickets online at their website now. #vertueliving #vertuemethod 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽❤️❤️❤️ #bisforbalance #bisalsoforbooty #lotsofgreatthingsstartwithb #ilovelondon picture by the incredible @jamiewendt 🙏🏽

A photo posted by Shona Vertue (@shona_vertue) on

Jessica Olie

Navdušena jogistka, ki živi v Dubaju, je odličen primer, kako lahko oseba, ki se komaj dotakne prstov na nogi, pozneje postane joga učiteljica, ki naredi špago in se suvereno postavlja na glavo.

Nuša Gnezda

Osebna trenerka iz Ljubljane prav tako dokazuje, da imaš lahko najboljše iz obeh svetov: uživaš v hrani ter si fit in zdrav. Spodbuja trening z utežmi, saj so prav uteži po njenem mnenju tiste, ki oblikujejo lepo žensko postavo.

Preberite še:

- Sedem načinov, kako se spraviti k telovadbi, ko se vam res ne ljubi
- Tri stvari, ki jih potrebujete, da v letu 2017 izgubite odvečne kilograme
- Tako je po mnenju znanstvenikov videti idealno žensko telo
- Šest največjih napak pri najbolj priljubljeni novoletni zaobljubi
- Veganska prehrana ne pomeni samo solate in oreščkov